Rowan-Cabarrus Online Bookstore

Rowan-Cabarrus Community College

The bookstore operates online!

New, used, eBooks, & rentals!

Order early for the best deals!

Free shipping offers!

Sell your books back at the marketplace!

Online Bookstore

Why an Online Bookstore?

Students get the right book at the right price at the Rowan-Cabarrus Online Bookstore! The benefits of the Rowan-Cabarrus Online Bookstore:

  • Students save an average of 60% off list price at the marketplace.
  • View a personalized page that features all of your courses and course materials in one page.
  • Select from new, used, eBook, and rental options.
  • Free shipping offers on select orders over $79.
  • Apply your approved financial aid funds to your order.
  • Sell your books back on our website at any time of the year.

Ready to Browse or Order?

  1. Visit the online bookstore and login with your Rowan-Cabarrus user ID. Your registered courses and the course materials assigned to them will appear all in one page.
  2. Select from the new, used, eBook, and rental options.
  3. Follow the on-screen prompts to check out.

Remember: The earlier you order, the more chances you have to find the best deals. It’s recommended that you order at least 2-3 weeks before the term begins.

Payment & Shipping Reminders

Payment: Check out with any major credit card, debit card, prepaid credit card, or use your approved Rowan-Cabarrus financial aid funds. Students may also use their PayPal account or Apple Pay to check out.

Shipping: The online bookstore offers various shipping methods and time frames. Orders over $79 qualify for free economy shipping (does not include third-party marketplace items).

Ship to Campus: You can choose to have your order delivered to Navigation Station at North or South Campuses.

Track & Manage Orders

Tracking: You can track your order by visiting the Track Your Order webpage. Use the Order ID number in your confirmation email to check the delivery status. Note: Not all Marketplace vendors offer tracking, but you can contact the seller through the online bookstore.

Returns: Most new and used books can be returned for a full refund as long as it’s within 30 days of the order. eBooks can be returned within 14 days. Marketplace items are non-returnable. Items ineligible for return are marked “non-returnable” at checkout. If you miss the deadline to return or you ordered a book that is not returnable, you can always sell your book on the Marketplace. Visit the online bookstore for full details.

Textbook Buyback

There are two virtual options for selling your textbooks once the semester ends. Get all the details!

About Digital Course Materials (eTexts and Access Codes)

There are several types of digital content that may be adopted for a course:

  • Inclusive Access eText: If you are in a course that utilizes Inclusive Access materials, the cost of the digital course materials has already been included in your tuition and course fees. If Inclusive Access is adopted, it is noted in the course information posted in the online bookstore. Students access these digital materials directly through the Blackboard course. There may be additional materials, such as loose-leaf versions of the text, available for purchase through the online bookstore.
  • eBook (also known as eText or ePub): If you purchase an eBook, you will access the text by visiting your eLibrary in the Online Bookstore. Locate the item you want to access and select the “Read Now” button next to your book. Then, log into VitalSource Bookshelf, where the book will automatically appear.
  • Access codes: If you purchase a textbook or looseleaf package that comes with an access code, the access code is located within the card that is packaged with the physical text. If a student orders an access code by itself, the code will be shipped to you if it is a printed access code, or it will be available instantly if it is a digital access code. In all cases, the code will come with instructions for registering at the publisher’s website and will also be listed in the eLibrary.

If you order a digital product:

  • You will receive an email with instructions on how to access it.
  • A record of all of the digital course materials you purchase is located in the online bookstore within your eLibrary.
  • Access the eLibrary by logging into the online bookstore portal. Select your username at the top-right corner of the website and then select eLibrary from the menu that appears.
Help with Digital Course Materials

I’m not sure how to locate information or my electronic resources in the Online Bookstore and/or Blackboard.

The College’s Tutoring Center is available to support students with questions and technology issues commonly experienced at the beginning of a class. Tutors can assist students in navigating Blackboard, accessing e-Texts, and even provide guidance in basic computer skills. To connect with a tutor, log into Blackboard and visit the Tutoring-Center course (found under “My Courses”). Follow the instructions posted there!

My textbook says its inclusive access, but I don’t know where to find the book.

Inclusive Access textbooks are always linked directly in the Blackboard course. The first thing you should do is check the Blackboard course site for directions from your instructor. If you follow the instructions provided and still need assistance, contact the College by submitting a ticket. When emailing the Help Desk include the following:

  • Subject: etext access issues
  • Course ID: BUS-110-220N (example)
  • Your student ID
  • Also include any steps you tried and any errors you’re getting. If possible, include screenshots.

I bought the ebook version of my textbook but can’t find it.

Some classes will offer ebooks as an option to a printed textbook. Ebooks are typically hosted by a third-party site, like Vital Source or openstax. In most cases, you will be provided an access code either via email or in your eLibrary and you will also need to create an account with the ebook provider.

Still need help? Contact the College by submitting a ticket. Please include the following:

  • Subject: etext access issues
  • Course ID: BUS-110-220N (example)
  • Your student ID
  • Also include any steps you tried and any errors you’re getting. If possible, include screenshots.

I see the etext links in my Blackboard course, but I need an access code!

Access codes are located in your eLibrary. The easiest way to locate your eLibrary is to log into Blackboard and use the online bookstore link provided on the left side of the My Blackboard tab – where you see your courses listed. From there, select the textbook and you should see an access code.

Still need help? Contact the College by submitting a ticket. Please include the following:

  • Subject: etext access issues
  • Course ID: BUS-110-220N (example)
  • Your student ID
  • Also include any steps you tried and any errors you’re getting. If possible, include screenshots.

I don’t know…I just need help!

Still need help? Contact the College by submitting a ticket. Please include the following:

  • Subject: etext access issues
  • Course ID: BUS-110-220N (example)
  • Your student ID
  • Also include any steps you tried and any errors you’re getting. If possible, include screenshots.

Have Questions or Need Help?

For further assistance, you can:

  • Visit the Common Questions area under the Help in the online bookstore for extensive FAQs.
  • Visit the Customer Service Center for assistance with placing, tracking, and/or returning orders and muchContact us icon more! From here you can also send Customer Service a message by selecting the “Contact Us” icon. Agents are available to help from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (eastern time zone) Monday through Friday, with 24/7 coverage during the back-to-school season. You can also call 855-255-0436.
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